Welcome to Wild Rumpus! Now that your school-age child is enrolled, please
read below to help you prepare for your child’s outdoor summer adventure.

  • You signed this form and submitted it through Brightwheel as part of the registration process. It is included here now for your reference.

    Notice of Unlicensed Camp

  • You signed this form and submitted it through Brightwheel as part of the registration process. It is included here now for your reference.

    Informed Consent

  • As part of our registration process, you created a Brightwheel account for your child. Brightwheel is an online platform we use for family communication and tuition payments. Go to help.mybrightwheel.com for assistance with your Brightwheel account, or reach out to a teacher with any questions. Brightwheel is an excellent communication tool for all the camp to home communication that occurs throughout the summer!

  • Wild Rumpus Summer 2024

    Mondays and Wednesdays

    June 3rd - August 21st, 2024

    We are closed on July 31st, 2024

  • BHNP/Wild Rumpus has an “on-site allergy alert.” A member of our BHNP/Wild Rumpus community has life-threatening allergies to tree nuts and shellfish.

    The following are NOT allowed at BHNP/Wild Rumpus: Cashews, Almonds, Pistachios, Hazelnuts including Nutella, Pecans, Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Pine Nuts, Coconut, and Shrimp. Please be very careful to read granola bar and trail mix ingredients. Peanuts and peanut butter ARE OK to have at our school!

  • Please contact Josie at 320-763-0130 with any questions about your child’s summer with Wild Rumpus. We can’t wait to see you in June!